Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Early in the mornin'

And I'm up and have nothing to blog about other than walking to the store earlier today. I just feel inclined to keep updating. Oh and I decided to put a bigass IMVU banner to the side of my page. So if you want to earn some credits in there for me sign up under that link.

Oh yeah, I walked to the store and I'm completely and totally out of shape. So, I'm going to start walking to the store more often until I don't feel like I'm dying by the time I get home. I got the stuff to make nachos at the store, but I was too tired when I got back so I guess I'm having nachos for lunch tomorrow.

I need to lose a little weight. All the stuff I've put my body thru in the last several months has turned my "fat pants" into my normal pants. I am the heaviest I have ever been and slightly overweight for the first time in my life. I'm not a perfectionist and don't care if I'm a little doughy generally, but when it becomes a health hazard it's time to start losing. Right now is a very bad time to give up my chocolate habit. So, I guess that will have to be with exercise.

I'm not big on changing the more permanent aspects of my body. I'm fairly happy with the way I'm fairly happy with the way I'm built and I'm trying to grow my hair longer so I guess I will adjust to it being turd brown because I won't be coloring it anymore. Right now it's kinda off red because the dye washed out a lot, but it's going back to the natural color it seems. If it doesn't I'm coloring it the natural color and leaving it alone.

My internet is chock full of retard this morning. It's disconnected like 3 times already so this post might not be in the morning at the rate it's going. So yeah I'm going to go ahead and post this while the posting is good because, though this is a crap post, I hate losing work. Yeeeeeah.


g-man said...

aww man! i've always wanted to dye my hair red, but my ma won't let me dye it any colour *sulky face*

Hera said...

I've had my hair hot pink, blue, blonde, black, several different shades of red and violet/purple a few times. I'm finally ready to leave it alone and let it grow out. I can't see a lot of your picture, but I think you wouldn't look right with any color but black. Red would clash with your skin badly!

Unknown said...

...oh..what's ur skin colour hera fr it to nt match with red ?

Hera said...

I'm pink. Can't you see my pic?