Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hera the Hippie?

So I went out shopping. I got a new hoodie, some herbal calming pill things and ate really crappy lasagna for lunch. So I'm walking out of the mall towards Aldi (who sell really good cheap stuff!) and start to pass this group of school children who were probably ages 8-13.

One of them calls out to me "Hey you! Are you a hippie??" all the others are laughing and I say "No, what in the hell are you?" Of course I'm not one to pick fights with kids so I stood around and let them ask questions while a couple of them scooted around on skateboards and scooters.

Anyway these kids are totally dumbfounded at my weird american-australian-slanged up accent. and ask "Where are you from?" I answer "Across town". They were none too happy with that. So, they asked "What are you doing here?" I said "Shopping". "Where are your groceries?" "in my bag and I'm headed to get more." Something made me feel inclined to stay and let them keep asking questions. Maybe I was lonely or MAYBE I was about to be heavily entertained.

Anyway the puny little punk kid that asked the original hippie question kept skateboarding back in forth way too close to me. I kept humoring the kids until exactly what I was waiting for happened... BOOM punk skateboard kid falls and busts his ass on the concrete. For once I was ready with exactly what to say. "Have a nice trip. See you next fall." EVERY other kid laughed like crazy and I had obviously earned my "cred"

So I walked off and finished my shopping and got some more frozen butter chicken and rice meals (They ROCK) and some spaghetti stuff and some bananas (had too many already =() and an avocado and a bunch of totally unnecessary junk food that I will hide from myself. I also got a decent walk in so that's 2 days this week. The junk food is stuff i can have in tiny bits and enjoy. I find individual packaging is my friend when trying not to eat myself to death =).

Oh and I got these herbal calming pill things. They're actually something you need to have several times a day. Maybe they will help me stay calm while I continue to quit smoking.

And for the record I look nothing like a hippie! I just had a lot of multicolored barettes in my hair and was wearing some bright eyeshadow because I thought I looked a little sleepy and wanted my eyes to look a little perkier. Oh.. and I guess these days wearing pants that don't wedge themselves in your buttcrack is considered kind of strange too. I will wear my wide-legged jeans until you pry them off my cold... dead... legs? Oh well. Fashion is stupid. I have no use for it. I don't care if everybody else is wearing solid black. I was in a rainbow mood today.

That proves my point though. Kids these days are really really really undisciplined... and stupid... and have no respect. I will bitch more about that when I'm 80 or something.

Pip pip cheerio!


Perry Proudhon said...

Ha ha ha!!! Good to get out, Hera. I can just picture you surrounded by children asking dumb questions.

g-man said...

rofl! see ya next fall...hilarious!

i luuuuuuuv butter chicken. you have me all wanting it now :( and my parents are vegetarians!

yep, fashion is stupid. totally!

not all kids are bad though. most of them, yea, they're incorrigible

Hera said...

In the land of the microwave we have it frozen that takes 8 minutes to cook and still tastes nice. Do you have things like that there? Do people eat it?

I don't believe there are many bad kids at all, but there are way too many bad parents here.

g-man said...

yea we get microwave stuff here. but my parents don't let me be a carnivore at home. nothing that's not veggie is allowed inside the house :(

Hera said...

At least you have good vegetarian choices that are pretty easy to come by there. We have a hard time finding bread that doesn't have meat in it. Ok... It's not THAT bad, but most of the veg stuff we get tastes like crap. I actually plan to start eating less meat cause I don't think it's healthy all the time.