Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My Opals... Let me show you them!

Finally I got un-lazy enough to take pics of my rough opals during sunlight. I know to the untrained eye they look like ugly rocks with pretty flecks... Well fark, to me they look like ugly rocks with pretty flecks. But, if you want to see the potential of these little stones you can get an idea what they can turn into here.
Sorry I'm absolutely craptastic with photography, but you can probably get an idea of what colors are in these from the huge-antimous image (I thumbnailed it. Aren't I sweet?)
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Anyhow, *coughs* the reason these are numbered is so that I can talk about them and make sense instead of "You know that little tiny whitish colored one?" I have a number for it!

So here's my new hobby, polishing these... With sandpaper... Wish me luck in NOT causing injury to my fingers!


Anonymous said...

hehe.. good luck..

g-man said...

hey where do you find opals? i like collecting rocks!

Hera said...

I had those, which are rough opals that you turn into pretty shiny ones, sent to me by a friend of a friend who wants to know lots of enthusiasts (never hurts right?) I know that opalauctions site i posted also sells them but I don't know if they'd ship there.